Creativity is known as a particular type of thinking. We all possess it, some more than others, nonetheless, we all possess it. Now, your environment can either help you or it can hinder you. Especially, if you do not know how to make it work for you. For the nine-to-fiver, a clean organized space is known to boost productivity. For the thriving artist, a space that stimulates the muse to come out and create — results in some astonishing material.
Conversely, let's say the nine-to-fiver has a very cluttered and disorganized workspace and is unable to find what they need along with being inundated with unnecessary pressure. This is an instant production killer. Now, let's look at the thriving artist and place them in a six by eight-foot jail cell. You would think with nothing but time on their hands they would create some of their best material. Not at all, this type of environment not only kills one’s spirit but it chokes out every bit of creativity trying to survive.
So I say to you, create an attractive environment that reflects the vibe you are aiming for and your chances for increased productivity and creativity have a much better possibility of flourishing.