

Designed to inspire & build people up, KaVonte stays true to his audience and himself when creatively engaging culture. Able to adapt to an array of settings from the hip-hop arena to the tech world on into the boardroom, he definitely has created a multifaceted approach that articulates, "You don't have to be a product of your environment. Regardless of your surroundings, you have the ability to change your world. The question is, do YOU really want to change it?"

Passionate about young people, KaVonte has worked with schools, foster camps, and juvenile detention centers to discuss a variety of topics poetically expressed in his new book, "The Book of Barz: Keep up the #GodWork, vol. 1" which is an Amazon #1 Bestseller. The Book of Barz was written to deliver all the smoke, in a thought-provoking poetic way, from the daily GRIND to GRACE as we find our rhythm and pace to do life.

"Every once in a while, we come across some #FreeJewelz, concepts and principles for living life, in a movie, music, or a line of poetry that resonates and changes the trajectory of life for us on all levels. Mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally we are transformed by an inkling. The connection is there, and it is almost as if the message was explicitly intended for us." — The Book of Barz

As the founder of GodWork Foundation, a 501c3, KaVonte has found his passion work. Extracting pieces of his multifaceted journey to create a social enterprise that fuels young people and their creativity through good works to curb violence, technology, and entrepreneurship.

When asked where he draws his inspirational and motivational topics from, he smiles and proudly says, "It's what I was designed to do, so it comes natural. But truly, I'm an avid reader and learner of LIFE, it's in my DNA!"

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